5050cafefriends : Friends/Bestie/Bestie Support

Friends/Bestie/Bestie Support

There are many benefits of Friendship like increasing your sense of belonging to helping you cope with traumas such as divorce, serious illness, job loss or the death of a loved one. Friendship boosts happiness and reduces stress. If you feel lonely or isolated, you can Join as a Friend for free and start getting invited to social events in your area.

Friendship: Enriches your life and improves your health!

How to Join as a Friend (free)

Join as a Friend, here for free: https://5050cafefriends.com/join-as-a-cafe-friend#/

1. Register for free, there are only two steps:

a/   Enter details as requested at Step 1.

b/  Get photo approval. We believe that anonymity online breeds mistrust.  You can upload a recent photo of yourself or an avatar.

How to Join as a Bestie ($19.99)

You can Join as a Bestie, by using the same process as Join as a Friend, but by completing one more step - Step 3.

Besties enjoy access to all functions that Friends have access to, but can also:

  • Send unlimited group invites
  • Become 5050 Verified
  • Upload and view vlogs

As we do not currently have Bestie Support available in all countries, being a Bestie is the next best thing. Bestie is available in Au, Ca, NZ, U.K, & U.S

How to be Bestie Support ($19.99)

You can be Bestie Support (B.S) by Joining as a Friend and completing Steps 1-3.  B.S. will enable you to return half of your B.S. sub. to the biz/org you support (the place where you scanned-in) i.e. the Bestie Support qr you scanned. B.S. is currently available in N.Z and Australia but is planned for release in the U.K, U.S & Canada soon.

Local Social

How to support local biz/orgs while increasing your own social activity is easy. 

a/  Join as a Friend (5 mins free) so that you can be selected by businesses or organisations in your area and attend their social events (giveaways and promotions). 

b/  Scan the Bestie Support qr at the place you'd like to support. If the place you'd like to support isn't displaying their Bestie Support qr, then you can ask them to do so. It is free for them to list their biz/org: https://5050cafefriends.com/cafe/list-your-cafe#/ 

Find out more about Bestie Support: https://5050cafefriends.com/page/bestie-support#/

Area Friends

How to support local biz/orgs while increasing your own social activity is easy. 

a/  Join as a Friend (5 mins free) so you can be selected by biz/orgs in your area to attend their social events (giveaways and promotions). 

b/  Scan the Bestie Support qr at the place you'd like to support. If the place you'd like to support isn't displaying their Bestie Support qr, then you can ask them to do so. It is free for all biz/orgs to list their establishment here:  https://5050cafefriends.com/cafe/list-your-cafe#/   

Find out more about Bestie Support: https://5050cafefriends.com/page/bestie-support#/

How We Make It Possible For Friends To Find You!

At 5050 we've reversed the psychology with regard to how friends are found. Traditionally, to make a friend has been quite difficult - especially if you work on your own or have stopped working and family and friends are no longer in contact.

Or if you're young. Yes, if you're in the 18 - 24 age group, at some point you may feel isolated. We know that making friends can be difficult and so we're trying to make this process a lot easier!

Instead of having to leave your suburb/area or travel to find a friend or spending money to find a place that may harbour a potential friendship, we've created a system whereby friends in your area/suburb come to you!  How so? We have a system in place whereby you can view, highlight and select the people from your area that you'd like to send an invitation out to meet up with.

In this way, we believe that what we offer friendship-wise is more convenient, and more economical. What we've found is that as soon as you meet other people from your suburb/area you will find it easy to strike up a rapport because you have the area you share in common!

Interests in Common

The question is often posed. 'But what do we have in common?' At 5050, we have an extensive list of interests that you can select from to form a shared interest with someone else. When someone shares the same interests as you - we notify you by email and on the website. If you are from the same suburb/area and also share the same interests, then you'll find you already have much in common!

How We Keep You Safe

There are a few simple things we do to try and keep you safe - these are:

  • We request that everyone who joins 5050 check the checkbox for the 5050 Protocol,  this is about remaining independent, being obliged to no one - by paying for yourself. We hope to change attitudes and behaviours around meeting people by observing a few simple principles.
  • We hope you use the Group Invite (top-right - INVITE icon). We believe there is 'safety in numbers.' So try it out.

We begin where the internet ends because we have developed a way in which a Friend can send a group invite. 

  • Be 5050 Verified - this is so people know that you are who you claim to be. This is not address verification but helps to verify who YOU ARE.

You can be 5050 Verified by uploading a vlog. As soon as you do, the 5050 V badge will instantly show on your profile photo.

You can read more about Safety here: https://5050cafefriends.com/page/safety-guide#/